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Extruder Systems

Extruder Systems; It is a section called the barrel, in which there are endless screws lined up one after the other from the inlet to the exit. The mixture passing through this section becomes homogeneous and undergoes a chemical change mechanically, at high temperature and under pressure (1400C and 50 Atm).

Result of Extruder Feed Use: It plays an important role in digestion, milk yield, live weight increase, improvement of meat quality, and reduction of death rate due to digestive system diseases.

In the short 30-60 seconds of the extruder process, the mixture loses 70-75% of its water and the proteins, starch and oils it contains are broken down at high temperatures and under pressure, and microorganisms caused by these factors are also destroyed.

Working with the principle of extrusion, it is used to produce plant feeds (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, rice and legumes; chickpeas, soybeans, peas) as well as animal feedstuffs with high nutritional value, easily digestible cattle and sheep, fish. and poultry feed, and dry feed for domestic animals (cats and dogs).

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